Pride Without Police - 2024

Pride Without Police is Back!

Date: Sunday June 30th, 5pm-9pm

Location: Fairmont Park - Main Pavilion (West Side)

Pride Without Police celebrates our queer identity and seeks to memorialize the fact that a police presence is antithetical to Pride! There will be free food, music, queer artists, an anti-policing workshop, a gender-affirming clothing exchange, and more!

This year's Pride Without Police is a scaled-down event presented by Salt Lake Community Mutual Aid. Our goal and purpose for the event remain the same. We oppose capitalist assimilation and call for queer liberation. We consider the Utah Pride Center's inclusion of police, real estate investors, petroleum refineries, and military contractors as directly inviting the very entities that drive our oppression. Instead, PWP is entirely community driven. All the groups involved with PWP are directly involved in local efforts to organize for a better world. Our goal for PWP is to provide an opportunity for people to take actual pride in who they are without the barriers imposed by the Pride Center.

Points of Unity

The intention of Pride Without Police is to put on an event for and by queer folks that centers the need for queer liberation. We have taken feedback from last year’s event and want to reiterate our commitment to the following points of unity:

  • Agitation – Pride Without Police should draw on the history of resistance to oppression by revolutionary queer and especially trans, black, and brown groups. It should highlight that our liberation is part of a larger international movement against capitalism and imperialism. Rainbow Capitalism and nonprofits cannot free us. To that end, this year’s event will have a greater focus on community building and organizing.

  • Intersectionality – In honor of the poor, disabled, trans, black and brown people who have led queer liberation struggles, we commit ourselves to making this event and our group more accessible to people with those identities, specifically those who are working class or live on the West Side, who are not included in Corporate Pride.

  • Solidarity - Pride Without Police should extend to those outside of our immediate circles, in order to establish solidarity between liberation struggles. Through this, we may best learn how to build our organization into a more effective resource to all queer people.

  • A Local Movement– Participants should leave with a better understanding of local organizing efforts and clear ways to be involved.

  • Community Building – Pride Without Police should be part of a sustained effort to foster personal connections with others and to empower folks to join or start their own actions.

Accessibility Information

One of our priorities for this event is to make it accessible for anyone, regardless of ability. We plan to have the following accommodations at Pride Without Police:

  • Masks are required unless you have an exemption

  • Booths lining sidewalks for increased accessibility

  • Rugs over some grassy areas for folx using mobility aids

  • Accessible porta potty

  • ASL interpreter for speeches/workshops (we’re working on this!)

  • Low stim tent

  • Spanish translations for signs

* Please contact us for a mask exemption. We will have volunteer mask distributors providing KN-95s for all attendees, but otherwise as this space is not enclosed, we cannot guarantee everyone will wear masks.

Our Accommodations list will be updated as we get closer to the event. If you have any additional requests, please DM us on Instagram @slc.mutualaid or email us at

Vendor/Booth Information

For this year’s event we want to ensure that there are a variety of activities for folks to participate in, whether that’s buying local art, learning a new skill, getting involved with a community organizing group, or just hanging out with cool queers! With that goal in mind, we’re seeking participants for the following types of booths:

  • Vendors - Are you a queer and independent artist who would like to sell your art or crafts at Pride Without Police? We’d love to have you there!

  • Organization Tables - Are you a community organization who wants to share info about your group and recruit new members?

  • Activity/Skill Sharing Table - Do you have an anti-capitalist and/or community building skill that you’d like to teach at our event?

    • Examples of the types of activities/skills we are looking for: clothing repair, small crafts, nail painting, make-up, screen printing, button making, sticker making

Any feedback or questions?

If you have any feedback or questions about the event, please DM us on Instagram @slc.mutualaid or email us at

Thank You For Your Support

We couldn’t do any of the work we do without the support and solidarity of our community. We are constantly trying to grow and improve and build a stronger and more resilient community in SLC.